Wednesday, February 10, 2010

A Penny For My Thoughts

I need to start a list of all the things I think I "need" during a day but cannot purchase right now.  I have a feeling the list would be pretty long.  I might be cooking and think "I sure need a new rolling pin."  The other day after seeing how rough the heels of my feet have gotten this winter I thought "I need a new foot file and give myself a pedicure."  I looked for a purse in my closet to go with a certain outfit I have but found that I didn't have one that was just right - oh well, it will just have to wait.  By then, I hope the outfit doesn't fit anyway (trying to lose weight).  Truthfully, all of these things I don't currently have I am living just fine without.  I have had the same old rolling pin since Quade and I were married 12 years ago - it does the same thing a new one would do.  I don't devote a lot of time to my feet at any given time and I do have lotion I could apply nightly that would make a huge difference if I just used it.  And, the purse is absolutely nothing I need - just another accessory to worry with.  But I do think I will start jotting it down when stuffitis strikes- would make for an interesting list at the end of the year.  Maybe I'll pay myself a penny for every one of them December 31, 2010 - if I can afford it!

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